Please note the cancellation policy of this holiday: 100% of the amount shall be charged in case of cancellation.
Anything that is not explicitly mentioned in the inclusions and optional as suggested in the itinerary, is not a part of this package.
Hotels or Flights (if included) mentioned in the itinerary or at the time of booking are subject to availability. We shall be in our right to change the hotels of similar or higher star category as booked in the itinerary and also provide alternate Flights (if included).
Cost and consequences arising due to any force major situations including but not limited to unforeseen circumstances like; natural calamities, political disturbances, health issues, flight delays / cancellations, things beyond our control, etc. will have to be borne by the guest.
Any changes in itinerary or upgrade in hotel /s will be charged extra, over and above the given cost (which will be informed to the customer in advance for final acceptance and payment).
GST (currently at 5%) or any other taxes that may be introduced will be charged extra as applicable at the time of booking.
The booking of this holiday, offering, services and disputes that may arise of the same shall be subject to the sole and exclusive Courts in Mumbai, India only.
Confirmation of the package will be done within 2 working days of the receipt of the amounts. In case of any increase in cost, you will be informed about the same and you will have to make payment within 2 days to enable us to proceed with the bookings with our suppliers to give confirmation. If you choose not to pay the increased cost, your only right shall be limited to receive the entire amount refunded which shall be done in 2 working days without any cancellation charges or penalties.
Travelxp does not have any role to play in the issuance / rejection of Visas other than being a facilitator.
Being a tour organizer, we will not be liable / responsible to you for any loss, injury or damage in respect of life, limb or property, sickness, delay, discomfort, anxiety, service denial, service deficiency, additional expenses etc. Incurred by you or for any direct, indirect, consequential loss and / or damage or any kind suffered by you howsoever caused arising out of any act, omission, default of any contractor /supplier or of any servant or agent employed by the contractor / supplier or of
Further, please note that in any case, our liability arising from this contract shall not exceed the total amount paid for the tour holiday. Further, under no circumstances shall we have any liability in respect of any indirect, special or consequential losses /damages whatsoever.
The rate of exchange prevailing on the day of booking will be considered.
If the guest fails to catch SIC transfers, he has to arrange his own private transfers. No SIC transfers wait for more than 05 minutes.
The above cost is for 02 passengers travelling together at all times.